37 wks 4 days. 6cm and going home??

Hi guys. Long story short I am 37 weeks and 4days. Was sent over to hospital at 4cm and 50%. Within 3 hours I was at 6cm. I've been stuck at a little over 6 (doc says he can stretch me to 7cm) and 90% effaced since around 7pm. Its now 513am. Doc that is on call says even though I'm considered full term that he won't do anything to help labor along until 39 weeks. I get the feeling that even though I'm so dilated and contracting every 4 minutes that he is going to try to send me home this morning. Anybody have any pointers, ideas...been here before? I'm walking like crazy, which helped the first few hours, but now it just intensifies my contractions but doesn't help dilation.