SO never helps 🙃

My man wakes up at around 4:30am to work out then drives an hour to work and back so sometimes doesn’t get home until 6. He goes to bed at around 8 and during the week I don’t bug him to much about helping with the baby (2 month old & we have a 5 year old) but he actually doesn’t really do anything even on the weekends when it’s his days off. He helps by cleaning the house on the weekends but that’s it. He hasn’t changed one diaper or bathed the baby once and hasn’t done one night feeding. He’s only fed her a couple bottles here and there and just play with her. He says I pay the bills so you gotta do the mom stuff. He went to bed tonight when he knew I was struggling to put the baby to bed and our 5 year old was still up and needed to have a bath and go to bed. I don’t expect him to help a whole lot during the week because I know he has to wake up early but when he barely helps at all on the weekends and just run downstairs to watch tv at night too on the weekends 🙄🙃 ugh i asked him to watch the baby while I washed our other daughter last night and put her to bed. After 5 mins of playing with her she started getting fussy and he put her on our other girls bed where we were and left like come on 😕 sorry long rant I’ve been very very nice but now I’m just getting annoyed