I might be pregnant?


Me and Fiancé have been TTC for two years now. We thought we finally had are prayers answered when I got pregnant back in May and found out in June. I ended up losing it. Had my D&C early July. We weren’t “trying” to get pregnant again. But it wasn’t like we were abstaining either. I got my first cycle after my D&C on the 16th of August. I should’ve got AF four days ago. And there was one symptom I had while I was pregnant that I have never experienced before I got pregnant. This absolutely weird bug crawling under my skin feeling when I try to sleep at night. I haven’t had it happen since my D&C but its happened a couple times the last couple days. The tests I’ve taken are negative so it might just be too early or maybe I’m not even pregnant but, can anyone give me any advice or have any insight? It’s much appreciated.