Sleeping over with my BF

He still hasn’t met my kids so he will sneak in after they go to bed and sneak out before they wake up and we are just sleeping I promise 🤣cause days he says with me is days he works super early and I’m closer to his job ... so get this days he over my kids will wake up 2-3 a night 😑😑😑 so I jump up before they come in the room and put them back to bed, days I’m alone they sleep all night seriously lol what buttheads they are so cute tho he’s finally meeting them Saturday he’s so excited I’m nervous he’s good with kids he has nephews the same age as my kids and I laid Down all the rules no PDA with the kids around, no smoking (he’s trying so he’s to quit) and he is just my friend (I have lots of male friends so they won’t be surprised when a man shows up)