Polar opposite kids


Any other parents out there raising completely different babies?

My eldest son 6 and he’s a wild child for sure. A tornado, if you will. He’s extremely extroverted, very hyperactive and talkative, will hug and talk to anyone, super smart and learns things very quickly, etc. He was talking at 12 months and learnt to read at 4.

My 3 year old son is COMPLETELY different. Very introverted, very shy, grumpy more times then not (lucky he’s cute lol), likes to play on his own but is incredibly sweet, and only really just started talking a few months ago.

I LOVE that they’re different but it definitely means that I am completely relearning how to be a parent lol! What works for one does not work for the other. I’d also like to mention that they don’t even look that much alike which I think is quite funny 🤣