Can you schedule an induction?


I would love to get induced at 40 weeks exactly (so my due date).

Reasons why:

- My due date is December 15th. I really DO NOT want to be in the hospital for Christmas or even risk going into labor Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. My son will actually understand Christmas and it’s our first Christmas in our new forever home

- My “wonderful” mother-in-law is staying with us and is coming on December 21st. I would LOVE to have my baby on the 15th so I can come home and still have a few days before she arrives. I really don’t want to be in the hospital and come home and she’s staying at my house

- The fact of not knowing when I’ll go into labor overwhelms me incredibly! Actually gives me anxiety. The unknown of going into labor at any time is scary to me

**With my first I was induced at 41+5 weeks due to low fluids - yes I was overdue but I’m assuming I won’t go into labor naturally with my second**

Anyway do you think my midwife will induce me on my due date?

****FYI I want the best for my baby and want him to be healthy. If at all it’s a risk for him I will just wait until I go naturally or my midwife suggests I get induced. Please do not comment if you’re going to say anything similar to that****

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