PCOS Struggles. TTC



Sooo I got diagnosed a year or two ago. Me and my boyfriend have been trying to conceive for about a year. I am 255 days late on my period. I had a pelvic US in May and said everything was normal but there was some free fluid but nothing abnormal. What are some tips that can help? What are your stories?

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I have pcos my cycles (when I did have a period) was long , I lost weight and they regulated . It took me 2 years to get pregnant after Ive been trying for 3 years and I did it on my own. I didn’t track my ovulation as it would cause stress. I went with the flow and it finally happened when I least expected it. I’m now 11 weeks 4 days .


Mary • Sep 20, 2020
Congratulations!! Honestly because I haven’t had a period I feel like I’m not ovulating lol I’ve been trying to lose weight I’m currently at 160 but pcos makes it difficult for me


Posted at
I have very long cycles too they can range from 40-190 days with spotting in between!! Why don’t you ask your doctor to give you medication to start your period?


Mary • Sep 17, 2020
I will go ahead and do that thank you so much!


Posted at
Hi! I have PCOS and am 5w pregnant now. I didn't have as long of periods as you but after 90 days my doctor would trigger a period using provera. I also required letrozole to help with ovulation as I did not ovulate on my own (you likely didn't either which is why the long cycle). Have you talked to your doctor about their fertility protocol?


Mary • Sep 17, 2020
I have not. Thank you for the information and congratulations on the pregnancy!! 💕💕