You are enough 🌸💗💫


Just in case no ones told you today. You are enough. Even if you want to stay in bed today . Even if your children are driving you insane. Even if you have mom guilt. Even if your husband is not noticing how much work you have been doing. Even if you are not working or a parent and just seeing where life takes you. Even if your parents or family or friends tell you otherwise. Even if you hate or dislike your body right now. Even if people are treating you less than. Even if society tells you you are not. Even if you haven’t had your baby yet. Even if you don’t want any babies. Even if you are 50 and haven’t figured out your purpose/skill yet. Even if you haven’t been the nicest person lately. Even if you have a mental illness. Even if you have a physical illness. Even if you have a disability.

Whatever it is. YOU ARE ALREADY AND ALWAYS ENOUGH. Please understand that. Your very breath is proof creator knows you are incredible and worthy.

We are all here to fuck up m. learn. repeat. Be flawed. Have fun. Remind yourself of this constantly. I know this is just a period/<a href="">baby app</a> but anywhere women frequent, messages like this need to be seen