25 and single and no kids?

I’m having such anxiety about the fact that I’m 25 and single I still don’t have any kids!!! Ugh

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it’s not a bad thing. Just use the time to focus on you and your career. If you find yourself financially settled and wanting to have kids, there are tons of options to do it on your own. One of my moms single friends decided to foster (and later adopt the girls) in her 40s as she still wanted a family and none of her relationships were planning out. You never should settle in the relationship department especially if you want to have a family. But girl, 25 isn’t old. Everyone doesn’t do life on the same pace. Some people have their first child at 16, others have their first at 41. Some people meet the love of their life when they’re kids, others meet them when they’re well past middle aged. Some people never really fall in love, and others could experience multiple loves over their lifetime. Stop rushing yourself, or comparing to what’s going on in everyone else’s life, and build a life that you want and you’re happy with.


X • Sep 17, 2020
*panning out


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Lol why? I’m 25 and single with no kids. I’m in no rush, it’ll happen eventually. I don’t want kids until I’m at least 30. I have a great career and I’m thriving on my own. 25 isn’t old, it’s young. Why stress yourself out?


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I’m 42. No kids. Single. 2 miscarriages. I’m the best aunt ever. Appreciate silence. Being able to sleep through the night, privacy. Being able to come and go as you please. I have not seen my so called friends in ages because they all have kids and can’t find a sitter etc. I’m the single one. Or my husband won’t let me go etc. read books. Take up a hobby. Enjoy life. Travel when you can. Get a pet if you feel lonely. Hook up if you want to. Better your life. Learn a language. Volunteer. You never know you might meet someone at an activity. Take a class. Martial arts, photography, pottery, painting etc. try online dating but b careful of stalkers and catfishing people. Exercise, yoga, etc. keep yourself busy.


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Do you have a good amount of money? Most people at that age are still getting their careers going so they can actually afford to have kids lol.