Shes here! Shes finally here...


Long story kinda shortened....

I was due September 5th, I had a fetal assessment on Sept 14th seeing as my baby refused to want to leave me lol. At the assessment I was told she was roughly an 8 pound baby and that I woukd get a call from the hospital the next day for an induction seeing as I was going on 10 days late already at that point. I got a call at 9 saying to be st the hospital between 10 & 11 on Tuesday. We get to the hospital and start the process which is super easy.

I have a daughter who is going to be 10 this month and had to have an emergency csection with her due to her being stressed and her heart rate getting bad, I wasn't even able to dilate more then 4 cm with her. Well i was told I could try for a VBAC which I was very excited about! After 15 hours of labor something felt very wrong. I was only dilated to 8cm and felt like it was never gunna happen. Then all of a sudden I felt like death was coming for me! Pressure like I've never felt before and like my stomach was going explode, my epidural and all of a sudden stopped working and I could feel all the pokes they were doing to test it. Then the dr came in and let me noneith the amount of pain I was showing and the fact that I was not progressing it was safer for me to have another emergency csection. I agreed because I honestly thought I was dying lol.

Once the surgery was over he informed my husband that our little girl had decided to start ripping her way through my original scar somehow. And had made it through my first layer, so without the dr coming in to say it was time for a csection I could of not made it through that delivery.... BUT we are both here and alive. Our newest daughter came out weighing 9 pounds 5.9 ounces!!! A whole 3 pounds 3.9 ounces bigger then her older sister!!

She is the sweetest baby, and I would do it all over again for her any day. ♡

Our little Wrenley Mae Rose♡