Need advice on daycare situation


So my daycare lady goes in for her induction tomorrow morning! My aunt was gonna watch my kids (almost 3 and 11weeks) tomorrow and my mom was coming to watch them all next week before they go back the following week. My aunt just informed me that she has to leave at 430 so she will leave them with my grandma until 530 which is the earliest my husband can get there to pick them up. I dont get off until 6 in a town 40 min away. My grandma can't walk far without a cane, 99% of the time she uses a cane so she will not be able to walk with him. I literally have NO other options as neither my husband nor I can get off early or take the day off or risk losing our jobs. So what are some ways to help her with a setup to ensure my baby's safety as she won't have to carry him and to avoid her trying to do it anyway? It won't be at my house so I can't video monitor to make sure she doesn't need help. I was thinking of making sure theres a bottle, binky and burp cloth nearby, the diaper already changed. She will probably hold and rock him the entire time. He's a good baby but my grandma is really old fashioned and will dote on him anytime he cries which is why I need a plan to keep her sitting if he happens to throw crying fits duringbthat hour. My 3 year old is easy peasy with cartoons and snacks. She listens so well. But im most concerned about her needing to move around and being stubborn about carrying my 11 week old!! Any suggestions or anything to help me worry less?