Husband is inconsiderate PT 2

So i posted last night how I felt about living with my in laws . My husband has 2 jobs and is in school part time . Everyone seems to want to bash me for my opinion. Please know IM 27 weeks pregnant . My daughter will be here in December. We live in a small ass room barely have enough space for ourselves . We literally have no where to put my kid. So sorry that I have concerns on where my kid will lay there head . We didn’t have to be in this situation had my husband NOT lied to me 7 months ago ! All of you women who commented who never been in a situation like mines please do me a favor and shut the fuck up ! Oh and YES I WORK FULL TIME PLUS OVERTIME DAILY ! So yes I do my damn part on my end ! Don’t go calling me names and saying I’m inconsiderate when I’m looking out for the best interest for my child and I feel my husband doesn’t care to move because we literally don’t a plan . It’s not fair to me that when I’m genuinely concerned now I’m inconsiderate? Yea miss me with ALL OF THAT