Period is 2 months late!

My last period was from September 9-14. About two weeks after that I had unprotected sex with my then boyfriend, he pulled out so I wasn't too concerned. It wasn't until October when I missed my period that I started thinking... "Fuck, what if I'm pregnant!!" So I head straight to Walgreens for a pregnancy test. It came out negative!! I told myboyfriend and he said it could be too early and maybe I got a false negative. So I wait two more weeks and take another. Negative again. So I wasn't too scared anymore. By late October me and this guy broke up (it hadn't been working out for quite a while before we finally split) so it is now The first week of November and also my birthday so me and my friends go out, drink party and I end up hooking up with a guy. Not a stranger, I've known him a while and he always expressed feeling for me but I was not single so never thought anything of it. Anyways we hooked up, he used a condom. A few days after I get some spotting. I wouldn't count it as a period because it was just brown and pink spotting. It wasn't heavy enough for a tampon and lasted only about 4 days. I'm not sure what is going on. Was that my period? Also now I've been having much bloating and cramping, pain and clear discharge. Should I still be scared for pregnancy or could this be something else?