What turns you on

Braeona • Lesbian
This is not the average post and I am not your average girl. I'm 22yrs old and an BISEXUAL aggressive No Label. If your not sure what that is I'll explain. My presence all together is somewhat masculine but subtle and soft. I DO NOT think I'm a MAN nor do I wish to be. I dress in skinny jeans and button downs I like the clean cut look BUT also because I love me shape and body. For a long time I struggled with my sexuality but after finally having sexual intercourse with a MAN I NO LONGER LABEL MYSELF AS LESBIAN, and I LOOOVVEEE!!! 🍆🍆🍆 penetration. I've never thought about living my life with a man BUT an occasional plow/beating/FUCK is truly NEEDED. I no longer wish to be as aggressive excluding the bedroom lol, but I wish to soften up. ARE THERE ANY MEN WHO LIKE TOMBOYISH WOMEN??? 😍😍💋😜 WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU WOMEN GIVE IN ORDER FOR ME TO BE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO MALES BUT NOT LOOSE MYSELF????