Born at 33 weeks on the day

Kelly • Mommy of 2 boys, expecting #3 in January 2016
Went to the doctor Tuesday morning on a gut feeling things were off.  Long story short...I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. (Symptoms were climbing blood pressure, mild/moderate swelling of feet and ankles and shortness of breath. Started having right shoulder discomfort as well). I was admitted and monitored/tested over the next 24 hours. Plus given steroids. After the 24 hour urine check they said it was time to induce.  Labor was fast and furious. Less than 3 hours. Went from 4-10 in less than 20 minutes and only pushed once. Hattie Sue was born on 11/18/15 at 11:20 pm. 4lb 8oz, 16 3/4 inches long. She is currently on a vent and does not like being touched one bit. Please keep my baby girl in your prayers that the vent is short lived and we won't need to be transported to a larger hospital. I am doing well also and being monitored closely but labs were showing improvement this morning.