Story time: Mastitis turn to abscess

oop • I'm back. Again.. baby#2

So, I've decided to share my journey with mastitis and breast abscesses! Fun! I've decided to do this because having been dealing with it myself, trying to find others who've dealt with it and been on the same journey has been nearly impossible... Here we go:

*A side note: I didn't much about breastfeeding as you'll see through out this adventure. Covid left us new breastfeeding mamas with no classes. The most knowledge I received was what I thought to google and a few pamphlets I got after I began nursing*


We had baby girl #2 August 18th 2020 and I decided I really wanted to give breastfeeding a shot as I wasn't able to with my first.

A week and half goes by, I'm crying in pain, her initial poor latch had DESTROYED my left nipple. So, I though skipping a few sessions on that side would be totally fine while I gave it time to heal. (WRONG) I now know, that you cannot do that! This unfortunately is how I learned about clogged ducts.

Those clogged ducts went totally unnoticed, that is until they turned into mastitis. But I didn't feel near as bad as other women had described feeling. Actually my only symptom was a pretty large (kiwi sized) lump on the bottom left quadrant of my breast. I thought, I've got an appointment in two days with the ob, it'll be fine!

Then that appointment was cancelled and postponed for a week. Two more lumps developed on the top of my breast, kiwi sized. The original lump is now tennis ball sized. NOW I feel like T total shit physically.

At this point, Im a few days shy of 4 weeks postpartum sitting in my ob's office and he's telling me to get to the ER, and he's referred me to a surgeon.

Friday: The ball starts rolling once I'm admitted to the ER. IV antibodics are administered and talks about surgery begin. They keep me, of course, the next day an ultrasound is done.

Saturday: There are 5, FIVE, abscess in my breast. We're DEFINITELY having surgery. And they wasted no time getting me to the OR. It was a Saturday an waiting until Monday was not an option. Even though it was my daughter's 3rd birthday, they assured me this was necessary. So they put me under and the I&D (Incision and Drainage) is underway.

I wake up in excruciating pain. Shooting pains. Like lighting hitting the same spots over and over. Painful zaps. My wounds are packed and they put me in a compression bra which helped ease some of the pain.

Sunday: Recovery- repacking the wound (ouch), better pain management, continuing antibodics, normal hospital shenanigan, still in tons of pain.

Monday: One of the doctors let's me know that the culture of the abscess came back, and as luck would have it, I HAVE MRSA! Ha! They promptly switched antibodics and sent me home!!

Tuesday-thursday: Antibodics twice a day, the pain has improved SO much. Changing bandages everyday.

Friday- noticing some pain and swelling but it doesn't seem to be new swelling.

Saturday- the pain is getting intense, manageable with Tylenol but I'm 100% concerned that the abscesses have returned.

To be continued! Follow up Monday. I'm praying it's as simple as switch antibodics because I can't take being in the hospital again with my newborn away from me.


Follow up today and the Dr said everything looked like it was healing well despite the localized swelling. He instructed me to continue my antibodics and follow up again next Monday!