Am I doing this all wrong?


Hi ladies,

It's my first cycle charting so I keep having more and more questions for the experts here. After my miscarriage my cycles have literally been all over the place much longer than before.

I know you should temp at the same time every day and I have been pretty consistent accept one morning where I temped an an hour and 5 mins early. I thought in or around an hour early or late was okay? But it seems it was a vital temperature to confirm ovulation!

I dont think I have actually ovulated yet, I didn't have many secondary signs, I had a couple of days of somewhat stretchy cm but nothing like what I see posted in this forum. I had a glob of jelly like cm one day but that was it normally I have a few days of quite stretchy, clear cm. Sorry TMI and my boobs would be quite sore. That hasn't happened so far anyway.

My other question is can anyone tell me what these crazy dips are? Temp fell yesterday morning and again this morning way below the cover line.