lazy boyfriend

i’m in need of some advice. my boyfriend and i have been together for almost 4 years. he’s never been able to keep a steady job in these 4 years, always acts like the companies are terrible and he’s too good for it. we tried living together almost right after we got together but that didn’t work out financially so he moved home and i stayed in the apartment. fast forward a couple of years he’s ready to move in with me again. he assures me what happened last time won’t happen again and i believe him. we’ve been in this apartment since July and he still has no job. he tells me buying pokémon packs and selling the cards is his job. it’s a “business” selling cards on ebay. i work a full time job but with covid my hours have been cut but not enough to get unemployment. i pay $100 less than him on the rent that we split but i pay for the groceries and electric which electric is over $100. he pays his part of the rent. i’ve had to lie to my family and tell them he actually has a job. i’m terrified every month that he won’t have his part of the rent. i have brought this up to him quite a bit and it always ALWAYS turns into a fight so now i just keep my mouth shut. his car needs repairs and he can’t drive it so he drives me to work every single day and takes me car wherever as he pleases without asking if it’s okay. when i’m at work and he’s at home chances are he’s just sleeping or playing videos games. or driving to targets half an hour away for more pokémon cards. i’ll get home from work, kitchen will still have last nights dishes in the sink, laundry i threw in the wash will still be in there. dishwasher won’t be started. he does nothing while i’m at work. dinner is always a fight because i have to figure out what we’re going to have and cook every single night. if i tell him i don’t feel like cooking he’ll say fine and we won’t eat or he’ll order take out and expect me to pay for it. my savings account is now empty because i’m paying off credit cards, student loans, phone bill, and car insurance on top of the rent and utilities. i have no idea what to do. i want to break the lease but that’s $500 and i would have no where to go. my mom already told me i can’t come home and the prices of apartments keep getting higher out here.
