He is still with you.

Even on your hardest days, He is still with you.

The day your period comes and you cry until you can’t cry anymore, He is still with you.

When you feel all alone and like no one understands, He is still with you.

When you look at the fifth pregnancy announcement or bump picture of the week, and you feel like it is easy for everyone but you, He is still with you.

When you notice every sign and think this is the month you will get pregnant, only to get your period, He is still with you.

When someone asks when you’re planning to have children and you make up an answer because you don’t want to explain what is really going on, He is still with you.

When you sit and wonder if your turn to be a parent will ever come, He is still with you.

He loves you. He cares about the desires of your heart. He hears your cries. He catches each tear that falls. He is a way maker and a miracle worker. We may not always understand His plan or timing, but rest in the truth that He is still with you.