Should I tell her my true opinion or just go with what she says? Help!

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years and he has an older brother who was with his girlfriend for 5 years and they have an almost-4 year old. They just broke up and she keeps asking for my input. I’ve tried to tell her it’s not my business but she insists. The thing is, I don’t think they’re right for each other.

Both of them are messyyyyy. He was a “hoe” before her and has continued to be a hoe the whole time they’ve been together. She trapped him by lying about a miscarriage and took advantage of him when he was black out drunk and pressured him to not use a condom (I’ve caught her in lies about the situation and he told us his side). She’s lazy and quits every job she gets, forcing him to have multiple jobs while she just sits at home and has no license. He’s only continued the relationship because family pressures him to. They think courts will disregard him and he’ll lose his kid. He’s been cheating on her with a girl from his work and he told her in Dec that he kissed her. Since then, she says they’re all friends now but she knows he has feelings for her because he talks about her all the time. He finally broke up with her because she kept pressuring him into getting married and having more kids. He told her he hasn’t truly wanted to be with her for years and doesn’t really love her anymore.

But she still thinks he’s just saying it because he’s depressed and thinks if he gets a counselor, he’ll change his mind about her. So she’s rushing to get a therapist and still thinks he will marry her by the middle of next year.

I get wanting to work things out and being heartbroken, but really, how much clearer could it be that he doesn’t want the relationship 😳