Pain under right rib? Anyone can help me out ?

Hey guys! I get my period every month. However, I had my last period in July and it was only for 2 days and It was a heavy flow. Usually I’ll have it for four days. And my periods range from every 30-35 days. I’m 25days late and I took a pregnancy test Aug. 27th and it was neg. about 2 weeks ago I started having an on and off pain in my right side. It comes and goes randomly, just feels like slight pressure , lasting less than 5 sec. it doesn’t matter what I’m doing , whether I’m sitting or standing. I haven’t lifted anything lately or done anything strenuous. But the pain has been coming and going the last 2-3 weeks. My husband did a quick search and came up that it might be mittelscmerz - which means pain at the time I release an egg. Idk guys , if this is normal ? Has this happened to anyone ? I’ll be talking to my doctor soon . P.s my husband I do the deed about once a week , maybe twice if that could play a part in all this. Also, still haven’t gotten my period - feeling bloated lately and have low back pain. Thank you for reading this long post and I would appreciate any type of feedback
