Does anyone else know what I’m going through 😭

Emma • Married 22 y/o TTC baby #1 ❤️ April 2020 👼🏼 May 2020 👼🏼 TTC 12+ months Cycle 1 Femara❌ C2 ❌ C3 ❌ C4 ❌ Due January 2022 with our 🌈

I just don’t understand what’s going on, and I can’t find anything online about anyone going through a similar situation. My husband and I started trying for our first baby in February of this year. We got pregnant the next cycle in March and we were over the moon. I had a feeling I was pretty fertile because my periods have always been regular and I’ve never had any painful or unusual symptoms. At 7 weeks I found out the pregnancy never progressed past 4 week gestation, I had a missed miscarriage because I didn’t start bleeding until 7 weeks. We were devastated, obviously, but were ready to try again as soon as we could. The very next month, in May, I got another positive but we were both nervous to tell family again or get excited. I started bleeding at 17 dpo and my hcg had gone down once again. I suspected it would end in a chemical pregnancy since my lines were very slow to darken and I didn’t get a positive digital until the day before I started bleeding, 16 dpo. The next month I started seeing a doctor about my fertility and they ran all kinds of tests that checked for genetic abnormalities, thyroid problems, progesterone deficiencies, you name it. $16,000 worth of tests that insurance thankfully covered 100%. Everything came back perfectly normal. The doctor recommended we try femara/letrozole, saying it would hyper stimulate my ovaries so that multiple follicles could mature and the chance of a healthy egg getting fertilized would be better. Seeing as how we had gotten pregnant 2 out of the 3 times we tried, we were very optimistic about trying femara. Long story short, we’ve tried for 4 months unmediated and 2 months on femara with no success, they even doubled my dosage this cycle to 5mg. I don’t understand how I could be pregnant naturally twice in a row and then absolutely nothing happens with help. I feel completely alone, all my friends and cycle buddies are pregnant and I’m just left with no answers and 2 miscarriages. I feel so defeated 💔