I’m over due to for this...

Deni • Mommy to my baby girl Nannalie 💕 5years strong with my handsome man & loading baby #2 😍

I wanted to post this a while ago but I didn’t have much time to do so.

BUT I would like to finally introduce my sweet girl 💕 Nannalie Rose Brown — Born on 9/13/2020 @ 7:55am by C-Section. She was 7lbs 13oz - 21 inches long. She came 10 days early because she pushed me into the beginning stages of preeclampsia.

She has a very funny 😆 way of saying hello ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ She does it to everyone she comes in contact with.

& last but not least she sleeps like her daddy ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ same sleep faces & expressing when moving.

Labor for me was a roller coaster 🤦🏼‍♀️

I went in to be induced 9/11 due to her pushing me into hypertension. 36hrs in early labor — Never made it past 5 cms 80% thinned & I was barely showing signs of active labor when I developed a infection in my uterus after they broke my water & it caused me to have very sharp pain in my right side. My IV also busted in my arm, which caused the Pitocin to not to work at all. The infection had caused issue for my kidneys & liver. My epidural failed & made my entire left side completely numb & failed to mask the pain that I was experiencing. Since my epidural failed I had to be topped off twice just to make it comfortable enough to sleep. Towards the end of the 36 hrs my body stopped discharging urine & I had a fever of 100.4.

I had to be woken up 10 mins before 7 which was shift change when they took my temp & started discussing what to do about my pain, blood pressure, & temperature. The Doctor walks in & explains to me; Mind you I was still waking up... that because of the infection it doesn’t look safe to continue trying for natural labor & it would be better to push me in for a c section ASAP. Which I agreed to because of my health history & the health of my daughter. Overall I had an amazing experience in the OR & I watched them pull my little bundle of joy from my body. She came out flipping the bird at everyone which made everyone laugh.