High body fat percentage

No matter what I do I can't seem to lower my body fat percentage. It's been a huge problem for over a decade now, when I first started trying to lower it.

I've tried normal gym

I've tried working out at home

I've tried CrossFit

I've tried Zumba

I've tried eating less

I've tried eating more

I've tried supplements

I've tried shakes and teas

I was athletic in school and even then I had lots of fat (just didn't care until I got to about 15).

And I've tried these things for months/ years depending on what it was.

Nothing, NOTHING I do helps! I don't weigh that much (66kgs, 1.75m tall) but a large percent is far, particularly my butt and thighs (saddlebags for days).

I have been on metformin for four months now with an additional supplement because my insulin levels are a bit high, but still nothing is budging!!!!

Please help, what can I do?! The last time I had my body fat percentage calculated it was 30%.