Night wakings


So I’m a bit confused. I’ve done allll the research on sleep training but it hasn’t been necessary. We’ve practiced independent sleep since he was a newborn and he’s always fallen asleep independently. Goes to sleep wide awake for naps and bedtime. He’s 14 months in a few days and he consistently wakes once a night around 4 am to nurse (he’s hungry, feeds longer than during the day). Some nights he wakes up twice. I really don’t mind the night feeds when it means he goes right back to sleep. He has slept through maybe about 6 times.

My issue is I’m returning to work when he’s 15 months and I work night shifts so I won’t be at home to get him back to sleep with nursing and he’s never taken a bottle. I’d like to wean at night for this reason. Am I supposed to “sleep train” him during these night wakings?? I’m not sure what method to use as we never had to....Ive considered buying a program as I’d like to be as gentle as possible but he’s already an independent sleeper so I’m concerned I’d waste money. (I’ve also tried to decrease the time feeding but anything shorter than 4 min hes not having it).

For reference he usually does two naps with a total of 2.5 hrs of sleep. We’ve tried less and he’s over tired and tried more and he has long night wakings 🙈

So I guess, how have you weaned night feeds with your independent sleepers???

Thank you!!!