

So I had my daughter July 26th and bled for maybe 4 or 5 days after with very little spotting for a few days after. Initially I was just breastfeeding but she was having problems latching so we were supplementing with formula and I would try to breastfeed. Eventually I was mostly pumping and still doing formula. I stopped pumping and only am giving formula about 2 weeks ago because of my milk supply barely being there. I have been stressed because our apartment leasing office and trying to find a new place within this month. 2 days ago I noticed I was spotting very light pink when I went to the bathroom before going to bed and I had some pain in my side earlier that day. At first it was only when I wiped but now I have a pad on and its a little on there. It doesn’t feel like a regular period, honestly it doesn’t even feel like a period. im not sure if its the pill im on now (proestrogen pill) or if my period is just going to be different now. Did anyone else experience this?