On a mission


To get this little girl out!! Ive grounded myself from the couch, I can only sit on my birth ball. And by sit I mean bounce! Plus hip rolls and pelvic tucks.

During commercials (nothing to do besides watch tv), I am doing lateral step-ups. Its raining outside but im hoping to go on a long walk later up some hills. I just got hot wings for lunch, dates for dessert, and RRLT to sip on now. I have 2 pineapples to cut up and i will eat all of them today!

Tomorrow I have a date with my mom to get a due date pedicure followed by swimming laps in my grandmas' pool (hopefully more spicy food for lunch tomorrow).

Wednesday ill spend the day playing with my bestie's 2.5 y/o and her 3 m/o. Idk if that will actually do anything butbits worth a try!

Thursday I'll go to the chiropractor and my 40 week midwife appointment and I will get a membrane sweep.

I'm taking EPO orally 3x a day and 1 vaginally over the night. My midwife has me taking oral herbal supplements to help promote labor.

What else can a girl do?! Anyone else trying these things?