Don't want to wait till the end of October

Has anyone else been told to wait till after they have a normal cycle after chemical pregnancy before they start trying again to give your body a chance to fully strip the uterus and start over said it will help make it less likely to happen again and they also said that since we haven't had a experience like this they don't believe it will happen again but want a good new uterus lineing if i where to get pregnant again they don't seem to think it will take us to long to get pregnant again will be high risk no matter due to complications with my pregnancy with my first kid we who is 2 now got pregnant easily with him been trying for 3 or 4 cycles for baby 2

UPDATE : They think it might have been an ectopic pregnancy so they want a normal cycle to flush out and be sure nothing's in my tubes and then I'm supposed to let them know if I am pregnant within 3 months of trying if I don't get pergnet they will run test to be sure nothing's wrong and check tubes i had really bad pain in my side before I got my postive test turned red and kinda warm to the touch night before I started bleeding so its still a chemical pregnancy but there are signs of it being ectopic hoping that it was a one time thing and we get our little 2