I need help


My fiance get very upset and means towards me in the situations that I chose my self and my sanity over him or our children.

For example, just now. Im not horny tonight, so I told him to jerk off in the shower and to sc it. He is 24/7 horny, always wants sex so I know he'll be upset if I turn him down in bed. So he's doing his thing in the shower and tells me he wants my mouth. I say "I hope I can do that one day" (in regards to his current fantasy he just told me about) he replies "I want you to do it right now" and is out the shower by the time I reply "I'm not horny tonight". Now he's out he's upset about being let down and led on he lays in bed without cuddling or saying anything. I ask of he's upset and he's like "what do you think?" I try holding his hand and telling him I'm sorry I'm not horny. He's still being a little rude about it so I just lay down and turn the other way figuring I'll let him calm down. But when I turn he says something under his breath that I can't hear, I turn around say what? He says nothing. So I say I'm sorry I didn't hear you. He says it doesn't matter just turn that way. At this point I say I don't like dealing with people with a mean attitude. He gets offended, scoffs, flips his body so his head is on the same side of my feet and turns the opposite way. I'm like okay and just lay down. Not even a minute passes by and he sits up quickly saying "you're a jerk too" and flops back down facing the opposite direction. Now at this point I say "I'm sorry I'm not mad or upset right now. I'm sorry I'm choosing myself in this situation. I'm sorry I'm not a sex slave"

And when I turned around to let him calm down, at one point he said "oh so I'm the bad guy, I'm always the bad guy". He says that when he notices he's made me uncomfortable.