Am I the only one


I had my fourth child, boy, August 10th 2020 and have been on maternity leave but will be going back September 28th. I have a 7 (m), 10 (f) and 13 (f) and they’ve all have been trying to help. I’m 38 and baby daddy is 40. This is his one and only child and really didn’t want kids from the beginning. Him and I have a dynamic relationship kind of like yin and yang. My problem I’ve been having is that since having baby, someone has always been there to take care of him and so dad does very little. He took off for a week when he was born but then went back the next week. His reasoning for not fully stepping up is that since I’m home all the time and he has to work, it’s pretty much all on me. He didn’t fully say that but implied it. My problem is that I’m only getting like 2-4 hours a sleep at night because I’m the one doing everything and dad is laying next to me sleeping. He’ll get up and make a bottle or change him once in a great while but everything else is on me. I just want to give baby to him and leave so he’ll have to take care of him but then I’ll feel bad for doing that. Is there anyone else out there that has/had this problem and what can I do to take the feeling of all the responsibilities off my shoulders?