I need advice I want to know if this is normal!

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 7 months now and we are doing well but around the physical aspect we haven’t had sex or anything pass the make out session of kissin! He’d told me he respects me and would want to make me do something I’m not ready for and I can tell he tries too hard ti be perfect that he doesn’t even hold my hand! He compliments me cares and has told his family about me (sadly only met his sister due to pandemic his family is a bit scared to have even him over) but everything seems ok and I told him that I’d be ready for all that intimacy stuff and holding hands and sex and etc! We’re both in mid twenties he’s such a sweet guy that he seems like he will be the one who will stay and marry me! I love him but don’t want to go and tell him that before he does! I’m worried if this is fine and normal that we don’t even have sex :( or hold hands! We don’t have our own place and he usually drives and we go to places but we don’t get to see eachother very often because he works full time as an accountant and studies for grad program part time along with work so we sometimes don’t see eachother often! He seems shy and not so vulnerable to even say I miss you but he’ll say it back when I say that to him! I love him and I know he has string feelings for me too but if he could just confirm them by expressing them. Anyone else in the same position?