Bummed ☹️

Grace • Baby 2 Due October 2022 JW💙 2021

So Id like to start out saying I feel very blessed to have a healthy pregnancy so far, and wish it to many, but I went in for my 12 week appointment today and didnt get an ultrasound that I was soooooo looking forward to.( I was going to take announcement photos with it and everything.) But I found out today that after the 8 week scan they dont do another till 20 weeks at my OB unless youre high risk or have a history of such.

And Im not going to lie my mind set is stuck on that it kind of sucks I have to have a problem , or my baby has to, or Ive had to experience such sadness and scariness to get a scan before then. All I want is to see my baby, looking like a little baby. I would much rather have the 12 week scan than the 8. You can see so much more at 12, It just doesnt seem real to me yet.

Anyway Ive been very down about that and just needed to express what I was feeling. I hope everyone is having a healthy pregnancy 💕