Should I invite friends that I haven’t talked to in years to my baby shower?

Aryanna • FTM I’m 22 years old Vicente 12/7/2020 Baby #2 due August 17th

When I found out that I was pregnant I started getting attention from old friends that I haven’t talked to in years and I thought that was weird. It was nice to hear from them, but I was thinking why are they now wanting to talk to me? I’ve invited two of my old friends to come to my house, before I was pregnant because I missed our friendship. One of my old middle school friends agree to come over, but at the last minute she texted me and saying oh I won’t be able to come today, because I’m going to hang out with a friend can I come over tomorrow and tomorrow came, but she never showed up and said can we meet Thursday instead. I said yes, that’s fine but she never showed up when it was time to meet up again. I was disappointed, but I was wondering why she would agree on coming over, but have something else planned or couldn’t make it when we already made plans. When I got pregnant she now wanted to have full blown conversation with me when before it was barely a conversation there. We started talking about my baby and then she said if you have a baby shower I would like to come. I was kind of shocked, because when I invited her to my house she always blew me off and made plans when we already made plans to hangout. I said yes, she could come to the baby shower, because I missed our friendship at that time I wasn’t thinking about when she blew me off.

I had this other friend when I was in high school and slowly throughout high school we’ve drifted apart. We barely talked to each other after we drifted apart. I also invited her to my house and she never showed up and we never rescheduled another time for her to come over. I eventually graduated from high school and started my life now I found out that I was pregnant. I posted on Instagram counting the days of the gender of my baby and she commented I want an invitation and I said that I’ll invite her, because like my middle school friend I missed our friendship. Now I’m not for sure if I should invite them or not. I need some advice.