AF due Saturday

Bekah • BFP 03.03.15 MC 04.07.15 BFP#2 04.08.16 -praying for our Rainbow; all while working in a daycare
... I know you're not out till she shows up, but man, this is frustrating.. Month #8 of trying pretty sure gone out the window. 
I just want her to come and peace out.. I mean, I've been so irritable and crying, and it constantly feels like she's coming.. But not till Saturday. 
Which is odd, because normally I don't want to eat anything (and if I do want to eat, it's always carbs- bread/pasta) but as I type this I'm finishing off an apple and a pear... Nor do I feel early cramps, which I've got those.. Argh.
I've tested negative this morning with FMU (mind you that was a cheapy). 
And my bargains seems soo puffy /dark red right now - TMI