Do you have to stay in longer after an epidural?



Hey guys, I’m due in a week😳

My plan is just to see how I go, start of in the water but if it gets too much I’ll get an epidural!

Due to Covid my husband won’t be able to stay in hospital with us after:/ only for a few hours!

If I opt for the epidural, will I have to stay in hospital longer after than if I gave birth naturally?

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Posted at
I had epidural and forceps so totally spine block in the end. Had her at 5am and left hospital at 5pm I could just about walk at 8am. l Didn’t have to open my bowels they just need to a urine sample.


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It depends what else happens TBH. Be aware of the ‘cascade of intervention’ if you want to be out ASAP just to avoid everything!


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It depends how quickly it wears off. Like others said you need to show you can get up and move, go to the bathroom etc. But that’s also the same to some extent with a natural birth. I had to stay overnight with my first purely because she was born after The point where they could do the hearing checks etc so we had to wait until morning when they would be back in 😒