Hey ladies I have to leave this group and move to may


Hey ladies

Update: yesterday I want for a fetal evaluation. Here is a little back story about me. This is my rainbow pregnancy. I lost my first one in December just 3 days before Christmas. At 15 weeks which was so sad because we where going to tell our family on Christmas. So I bleed a lot during that loss. Than 7 months later here I am pregnant again. So in my case I have 3 fibroids and different sizes so it sometimes hard to see on in office sonogram. So she will send me to a sonogram place to get a better picture. And plus in her office there is a old sonogram machine. So my first appointment to see her was September 1 where she confirmed the pregnancy and do a lot of stuff. And like I said gave me a referral to get a sonogram place. So I want that Friday the same week. Got that done where the results showed twins. I am so excited. Than two days later I want to back to my doctor and she read me the report of my sonogram that there is definitely 2 there but they see a shadow of a third. They measure small and we saw flicker. Two of them so we where so excited. So she still could not give me a official due date because I am irregular period and the small measurements. Than on September 15 in her office she gave me a referral to go get a high definition sonogram somewhere else. To see everything even more better. And to give me a date . So I want yesterday to the place and it was very nice the room had two sonograms and a huge screen TV to see. But of course my husband was not allowed. I got the sonogram and after that I had to speak to the doctor. So the doctor took for ever to come into my room. But he explained why he took so long he spoke to my doctor. So he explained that there is definitely two babies but he sees a third one also with heartbeat. It was one behind each other. So I am having triplets. This happened naturally. So he said due to the size they gave me a date in May. May 10 is my new due date. So I am not 10 weeks going on 11 I am 8 weeks along . A huge difference. So later my doctor called me and explained it to me that I ovulation was later and plus my irregular. So my pregnancy is super high risk. This Thursday I have an appointment with her to come up with a plan. I am excited, blessed and nervous too. So I will still be on here at well but also be on the May .