Men who use women for shelter


I reconnected with a old friend from 2009 May of 2019 . I just left a horrible relationship with my sons father ,I can admit I was vulnerable do to the misery I suffered in my last relationship. Any-who we connected immediately he listened as I vented he also vented to me about his last relationship and how he was unhappy and all his ex wanted from him was sex .

So after that night I notice he would come to my home everyday I was cool with it because it gave me something to do to keep my mind off my break up . After about a month of dating he ask to be in a relationship started buying me gifts taking me on dates every Friday. I still couldn’t commit to a relationship I agreed to take things slow . So now I’ll just fast forward three months into dating I wash my car and needed tire shine so I went into his trunk to borrow some .There it was all his clothes in his trunk. I assume he kept clothes in his trunk because he was mostly at my home .

I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to embarrass him smh . Two weeks after finding the clothes I receive a block call it was his ex she wasn’t just a ex she was his ex fiancé and the mother of his two year old child that he never mentioned he had . The ex fiancé put him out there home the same night he hooked up with me cause he didn’t go home .

I stopped dating him immediately he apologize over and over I took him back . Again he caters to me always by gifts he’s works offshore now so he’s only home two weeks out the month . I thought we were passed the lies and everything was going good ,besides his ex not allowing him to see his son but that’s another story .

I found a text message in his phone from his ex (not the fiancé )she told him you seem happy with your girl friend he says being happy and actually happy is two different things . She respond you seem in love to me he says it’s not about being in love it’s about my survival . I wouldn’t get a apartment just for one week it’s my survival .

This man was a womanizer and only pretend to want a relationship because he need shelter . He couldn’t go to family ,the ex wouldn’t take him back and let’s not forget

he don’t want a apartment because he’s only home two weeks out of a month . I helped him from my heart and God has blessed me because of it I close on my dream home 10/20 new build . He thought he was using me he wasn’t he just homeless all over again .