toxic parents?? idk pls help


(sorry about the long read) i am 18 years old and im working a full time job( it isnt good pay tbh) Obv covid is going around atm and my mum thought she had it so she went and got tested today so she will get her results tmoro or next day. I am a barista so i cant afford to be getting sick in case i spread it to customers but she came into my room this evening and coughed around me. i asked her to say sorry about this but it ended up with her pushing and shoving at me, she then went into her bathroom nd sliced her arm open and my dad grabbed me from my room and made me look at the blood and the wound, they are both blaming me for this and have said if my mum is to kill herself, i should feel guilty because it is my fault, My dad has said that they are both embarrassed of me and they both want me gone and once i am gone thats us, they said once i leave the house they will never make an effort with me. I told my boyfriend about it because hes all i really have atm and he left me on open for an hr, he didnt even support me, he just said ‘awh:(‘ nd then blank snaps after that. I feel so lonely in this world, i have no one. my mum and dad belittle me every single day and i’m starting to feel as if their words are true and i am what the call me. i don’t think i’ll get anywhere in life anymore. i can’t see myself moving far. I feel like im stuck in a cycle of this. I feel so lonely :(