Irritated sex, dog and a new born

Maria • Expecting baby #2
I'm 33 weeks pregnant. I have been a hight risk pregnancy. And because of that me and my man haven't been sexually active like before. And for some reason this past week my hormones have been on point. 
How is it that I call him to tell him that I'm horny and that I want him when he gets home from work we end up fighting anout our barking dog-_- I'm getting very angry and annoyed. Like I need a affection. I know i have milk in my boobs and I leak sometimes but damn stop thinking about the damn dog and think about your wofe for crying out loud. 
We have a American pitbull his 9 months and his not really that train because every time i try my man just don't keep doing it. And now I'm about to give birth and this dog barks for anything and everything we can't even have people over. Hiw in God name am I supposed to bring a new born to this house. They are days where he'll bark till I leave my house. And myman finds it funny. He said if I where to get rid of the dog he would leave me. Am I selfish or is there something wrong with me? I'm telling him lest get a muscle for the dog to put it on him when he barks. His like no because his always in his cage he just barks well I'm the one that's going to be home with a new born and a barking dog. I feel like I might loose my mind because of this man. And is stupid to me to leave him because of a dog.