

After experiencing loss, it’s robbed me of fully enjoying my pregnancy. Instead I’ve been paranoid and have had horrible anxiety about everything.

Now with counting kicks, I make sure I’m on top of it and have my little man’s schedule down to a T.

Well he’s usually active as soon as I get up in the morning but I didn’t feel him. I knew as soon as I ate or drank something he would be pounding my ribs in no time.

I had breakfast and ice cold Orange juice and still nothing. Decided to go lay down on my left side where for an hour, I only got one rolling movement. This kid is usually pounding my ribs and giving me all kinds of jabs. I do have an anterior placenta but it hasn’t made his kicks anymore cushioned and I’m able to feel him sooooo well.

After the hour passed I started to panic, began playing music from my phone close to my tummy and still nothing. Tried poking him . Nothing. Last resort was my doppler where I can always easily find his heartbeat and I couldn’t find it where it normally is. I then thought he could of moved, went all around my belly and nothing, except for one spot where it was super super faint and could barely hear it. I relaxed a little but was still on edge. Usually the poking, music, eating and drinking i would get way more of a reaction but that wasn’t the case. Decided to call my dr and they said to again have something cold and lay down and if nothing or little movement in 2 hours to go in. I ended up falling asleep after being up all night not feeling him, and woke up to a full blown boxing match going on inside. Suchhhhhh a relief, but now I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced such a decrease in movement and nothing helped. Obviously everything is good now THANK GOD, But just want to know if anyone else experienced this. Could it be he was sleeping? In a weird position? I just don’t see how EVERYTHING I did, didn’t have an effect on him. 32 weeks + 3 days