

So I’ve made posts similar to this one except this time it’s a little different. So I have already had my period at the very beginning of this month. Through out this month so far, I had my period, but then it became very itchy down there, at first I thought it could be my laundry detergent but then I realized I’ve been using the same brand and scent instead of switching it up like usual. I’ve also noticed I’ve been having some white discharge off and on but the itchy ness has been pretty constant. Today I have been having a ton of cramps and mood swings then I went to bathroom and I think I’m spotting? There’s a strong period like scent but it’s not dark like usual period it’s more light colored. I doubled checked my calendar and I’ve already had a period this month and I know it’s not that unusual for having more than one period in a month and I may be over thinking it but I don’t know. I just feel a little different but I also don’t know if that’s because I’m overthinking it or if it could mean something. I guess I’m just looking for some feed back. Am I overthinking or should I schedule an appointment?