Slow rising HCG

Just looking for anyone with a similar situation.

Was about 7 days late for my period and decided to take a pregnancy test. I had very light brown spotting but it was nothing like my normal period. Took the test and it was positive. The brown spotting continued for like another week and a half. In the meantime I kept getting positive testes so I made an appointment. Two days (on a sunday) before my appointment I started bleeding. It was alot but I had to wear a pad. It never soaked the pad or even filled it up in a day. Went to my appointment (Tuesday) and she checked me and said everything looked good but due to the bleeding I was having she said she was unsure when I ovulated and didn't want to do an ultrasound to early. She had me do a blood test which came back at a 68. Meanwhile I bled for about 7 days and then it stopped. The bleeding and spotting all stopped. I researched nonstop, panicked, stressed, cried because I assumed I had miscarried due to the bleeding and the low quant level. When giving me my results she wanted me to go back in 1 week (the next tuesday) to do a bloodtest. Fast forward to Tuesday I actually had an appointment at my normal doctor where she had me take a pregnancy test and it come back negative. I wasn't surprised considering I had a gut feeling I miscarried anyway and at this point I had it already in my head that it wasn't right. After my normal doctor appointment, I went to do my follow up blood test for my gyno. They called with my results and it is now at a 97. I know they are supposed to double every 2-3 days and its been a whole days and it only jumped up by 29. I was confused since I just did a pregnancy test at my doctor which was negative. My gyno wants me to go back in another week (next tuesday) to check my levels again. I just feel like this is weird and I'm not sure what is going on. Has anyone had a similar experience?