Am I wrong to feel upset ?

My bf is out with his friends. I’ve never had a problem with him hanging out with them. It doesn’t bother me at all. It’s past midnight and he wakes up at 4am to go to work. Yes, that’s his problem, he’s the one that’s going to be tired, not me. He’s a grown man and knows what he’s doing. That’s not the issue. The issue is that we’re supposed to go over to my parents house tomorrow and my sister and her family will be there and I KNOW he’s going to be complaining alllll day that he’s tired. We rarely hang out with my family, it’s always with his family and friends. So tomorrow meant a lot to me. But now i have a feeling he’s going to be late because he’s going to take a nap after work and he’ll be hungover. I’m upset because he knows about it and he’s not going to be all there tomorrow, which means I’m not going to enjoy our time with my family and he won’t either. Ugh I just want to cry right now. Maybe I’m over reacting a little bit but I can’t be totally wrong,..... right?