SO never does anything small for me;(

It’s always me sending the first text, or asking him to check twitter cuz I sent him something. I feel so envious of girls with boyfriends that buy them flowers or send letters and stuff because he never does that for me. I asked him why he never checks what I send and he said he doesn’t feel right so we took a break for him to level his head out.

I’m crying because I can’t think of a single time he did something small for me in the 2 years we’ve been together. I wish he would do more, and I know that’s not asking for too much. I know what I want in my relationship and he isn’t giving it.

When I express this to him, he fights for excuses and in the end as to why he doesn’t have the capacity to do these things, and I always say its okay just forget I said anything.

There is a principal to life. If you REALLY care about something, you are going to work and do what it takes to get that. If he really cared, he wouldn’t be finding these excuses and instead he would be finding the time he can use for ME.

I always give these emotions up eventually, because we really love each other and I’m not going to break up with him because of small things, but this really does hurt to think about...

Edit: I have extremely conflicting emotions, that is why I haven’t broken up with him. When I’m sad or I cry, he always cares and wishes he was there to hug or make me feel better. It’s really confusing for me:(