Nap time


Hey mamas!

So my LO takes her naps great and by that i mean i place her in her crib awake and she goes to sleep on her own within 5 min. The problem is she won’t sleep more than 30 min. Same with her second nap which makes her a bit cranky.

To go to sleep at night i have to be sitting by the bedroom door if not she cries hysterically but she is sleeping all night now from 7-7.

I have tried helping her back to sleep by rocking her, giving her milk, putting her in swing with vibration and nothing. Anyone else on the same boat and have any advice?

Her schedule is:

7 wake and milk

8 solid breakfast

9:30 nap

11 milk

12:30 solid lunch

1:30 nap

3 milk

4 solid dinner

6:45 in crib and asleep by 7
