Ex who ghosted me

You guys might have seen my post about my ex. We dated for 6 months, it wasn’t long but we moved pretty fast in those months. I honestly fell in love with him and we where serious, we met each others family, slept together, had plans for a family soon. He seemed like he never wanted to open up to me. One day I got tired of it and confronted him. He told me he was concerned he thought we where not right for eachother, he said I didn’t have the right personality for him and he wasn’t ready for a relationship. I felt really really blindsided. Felt like the rug was pulled out from under me. We talked on and off a few months after that, but eventually he just stopped replying.

I feel like such an idiot for falling for him so hard and giving everything to him and then for him to just back out and ghost me, I felt super inferior too because how he said I didn’t have the right personality.

This was almost seven months ago!! And i have to still force myself not to look at his profiles, not think about him, heck now I don’t even want to be with him anymore, but sometimes I still can hear him saying “you just don’t have the right personality” and I feel not good enough all over again. Even though this was so long ago... I don’t even miss him but I still look back and wonder why I was not ever good enough. How in the heck do I get over something like this? Sorry if this is a lot but thanks for letting me at-least vent.