What do contractions feel like?

Hey guys.. I’m only about 17 weeks so there’s no reason I should be having real contractions. But I want to know from others, how would you explain why the contractions felt like? We’re you nauseous? Shaky? Legs week? Dizzy? Pass out? Sweaty?

Like I want to know whole body how you felt.

Any one every experience preterm labor this labor on? Or a miscarriage this late into pregnancy?

P.S I am on my way to the ER but I want to talk to/here what other moms have experienced.

UPDATE: I went to the ER but by the time I got there (1.5 he drive) the cramps had lessened in Pain. They did ultrasound and bloodwork and baby seems to be okay. Looks like stress and dehydration and possibly sex was the cause. I’m in bed rest due to the severity of the pain/cramps, contractions? They were regular for about 4 hours at about 10 minutes apart and then eventually got mild. I am okay, and baby is okay as well. I even got to get an ultrasound picture and I go to the doctors in a couple days!

I’m also sore today though! My whole belly ab area feels like I did 100 sit ups so that’s strange to me? But thank you all for the comments!