Pain after sex

So me and my “boo” have been having sex everyday or every other day for the past month. For about a week now, after we have sex my vagina is so sore that it hurts and it feels swollen, I can’t even go another round because it hurts when he puts it back in. It feels so sore that I have to wait a little to pee after sex because I can’t pee right after, when I push to try to pee my vagina just hurts and I can’t pee it just won’t come out. And the opening to my vagina has been a little itchy afterwards and I’m assuming that’s from lack of lubrication. But it’s just really weird that this happened all of the sudden when I was fine before and we went at it like 6 times a day. Does this happen to any of you ladies?

I’m sorry if I sound stupid writing this, most of you will probably say to take a break from sex for a bit.