Exclusively pumping I made it to 3 months🙌🏾


So my original plan was to breastfeed for at least 3 months. This is baby number 3 and I’ve never successfully breastfed. So this time around I really wanted to do things different since this was the only planned baby lol and I finally had a pump I was determined. Unfortunately breastfeeding was harder than I expected and once the milk came in at 3days I was ready for all the milk to dry up and be done with it lol. But I grabbed the pump just to get some type of relief along with doing hand expressions I was getting just enough to feed the baby. But she still wouldn’t latch on properly so it was extremely frustrating trying to latch the baby and pump every 2hrs I wanted to quit everyday. My lactation specialist just told me to not think about making it to a certain time/month and to just take it day by day so I did that and I made it a week then a month and now here I am at 3 months still only pumping and I haven’t needed to supplement with formula. I’m extremely proud to just have made it this far now 😊so now I’m back to taking it day by day.