Hesitant to breakup, fearful of custody battle

I've been contemplating leaving my fiance for a while now. He is not financially responsible at all, to the point we are living pay check to pay check when we should be able to save at least 500 a month.

I beg him for communication but half the time he acts like its bothersome to talk to me. When I tell him our relationship is dying because of lack of communication he opens up for a couple days and then is right back to giving me the cold shoulder. We dont laugh and joke and play like we used to.

He doesn't help me around the house or with the kids. The laundry will continue to pile up, the sink will be overflowing with dishes and he wont do anything but lay on the couch watching YouTube videos or sleeping.

I have to ask him to change our kids diapers. I've come home from working a 4 hour shift to my 8 month old covered in pee and poop stuck to his bottom because he didn't change him.

He yells and loses his temper with our 3 year old who is autistic. My son tends to stim by screeching and flapping his hands and feet and he can get rather loud and my fiance yells at him to stop when he really doesn't have control of it and yelling at him doesn't help.

On top of it he refuses to believe our son is autistic and wont participate in any of the therapies with him.

I'm tired of feeling like a single parent and having to beg someone to talk to me and communicate with me. I want out so bad for me and my children but I'm terrified that he would fight me for custody and use the fact that I smoke weed to his advantage.

I'm in a state where it's legal medically and I have full intention of getting my medical card for PTSD.

Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? Or anyone been in a similar situation.